Everything You Need to Know About Mortgage Relief for Homeowners in Colorado

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Mortgage relief is available to Colorado homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments. You may be eligible for relief if you are behind on your mortgage or at risk of falling behind on your mortgage. This article will provide an overview of the types of mortgage relief available in Colorado so you can evaluate your options.

Getting Started

The first step to getting mortgage relief is communicating with your lender to make them aware of your financial situation. Many lenders are willing to work out a payment plan with homeowners who are struggling to make their monthly payments. If you’re unsure how to approach your lender or don’t know what to say, you can get free assistance from a HUD-approved housing counselor.

Types of Mortgage Relief Available

There are many mortgage relief options available in Colorado. Some programs offer mortgage payment assistance, while others offer lower interest rates or shorter mortgage terms.

Mortgage Modification

If your mortgage is presently in good standing but you’re struggling to make the monthly payments, you may be eligible to modify the terms of your loan. A mortgage modification involves working with your lender to negotiate a new repayment plan that best adapts to your current financial situation. In some cases, the lender may even approve lowering your loan’s interest rate.


If you’re experiencing temporary financial hardship, you may be able to negotiate a forbearance agreement with your lender. If you choose this type of arrangement, you can make reduced or even no payments for a set time frame, giving you a chance to put your finances back on track.

Principal Reduction

If you owe more than your home’s current worth, you might be able to negotiate a principal reduction with your lender. This involves reducing the amount owed on your loan to match your home’s current value. 

Loan Refinancing

If you’re struggling to keep up with your mortgage payments, you may be able to refinance your loan for a lower interest rate. This can lower your monthly payments to make it easier for you to stay current on your loan.

Pre-foreclosure Sale

In a pre-foreclosure sale, also known as a short sale, you can sell a property for less than the remaining amount owed on your mortgage. The money earned from the sale is then used to pay off the debt. 

Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

If you’re unable to sell your home or negotiate a loan modification with your lender, you may be able to deed the property back to the lender in lieu of foreclosure

Mortgage Relief Programs in Colorado

Mortgage relief programs are designed to help people who are struggling with their mortgage payments. The goal of these programs is to provide relief for homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes.

In Colorado, homeowners can access several different mortgage relief programs. Some of the most popular programs include:

The Benefits of Receiving Mortgage Relief Assistance

A mortgage relief program can help you keep your home and prevent foreclosure. As a bonus, you won’t have to worry about damaging your credit score when you catch up on missed mortgage payments. 

The Consequences of Foreclosure

If you’re a homeowner facing foreclosure in Colorado, it’s essential to understand the process and the consequences that come along with it. Defaulting on mortgage payments can lead to foreclosure, in which your lender takes back your home. 

In Colorado, the foreclosure process is regulated by the Colorado Division of Real Estate.

The Division of Real Estate requires lenders to provide homeowners with a notice of default before initiating the foreclosure process. The notice must include a statement that the homeowner has the right to cure the default and avoid foreclosure by paying all past due amounts, plus a late charge, within 30 days of receiving the notice.

If the homeowner does not cure the default, at least 60 days before initiating foreclosure, lenders must notify all interested parties, including neighbors, taxing authorities, and any other party that may be affected by foreclosure.

The consequences of foreclosure include home loss (leading to homelessness), credit damage (making it harder to get loans in the future), and emotional stress (which can result in anxiety or depression). For these reasons, avoiding foreclosure is always advised.

Get Back on Your Feet with Favor Home Solutions’ Save My Credit Program

If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments, we can help you! At Favor Home Solutions, we’re committed to restoring your peace of mind by helping you protect your credit! Our ‘Save My Credit’ Program lets you avoid selling your home and damaging your credit by taking over your mortgage payments. No fees, no gimmicks, and no obligations. Contact us today to get started!


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